>From: dc <dc@wm.namco.co.jp>
>why havent you done the game for brew phones? my understanding is that
>many verizon phones have GPS api...
>deck placement? brew model has no way to get on-menu without spending
>much time/money on QC/NSTL etc? your french heritage p-)
Speaking just for myself, I think BREW's a lot more of a pain to develop &
certify compared to Java development. If I were a foreign developer, I'd do
Java first too - easier to develop & deploy during prototyping/testing
>kddi commitment to selling java handsets seems to wane by the day
I don't think that is true. KDDI publically stated last year they would stop
producing Java handsets, and then they brought out at least 2 new handsets
by year end, and more handsets were released this year with Java. I think
they are sitting on the fence - see how each platform goes, especially now
their Java implementation has improved in performance (it was genuinely
woefully slow in Phase 2 era).
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Received on Thu Apr 8 09:29:00 2004