(keitai-l) Re: location based gaming

From: dc <dc_at_wm.namco.co.jp>
Date: 04/08/04
Message-Id: <20040408121811.3640.DC@wm.namco.co.jp>
matthieu -

why havent you done the game for brew phones? my understanding is that
many verizon phones have GPS api... 
deck placement? brew model has no way to get on-menu without spending
much time/money on QC/NSTL etc? your french heritage p-)

kddi commitment to selling java handsets seems to wane by the day and
the users on that network for some reason dont seem to pull down/buy as
much downloadable content (weird, as they are younger than docomo, and
the carrier is growing quickly and other services like chaku-uta have
gone nuts).

good meeting you at GDC btw. I never knew you moonlighted handing out
flyers in roppongi, it all adds up now :)


from [ "Mathieu Castelli" <mathieu@newtgames.com> ] on [ Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:54:25 -0700 ]

>   > Funny that this was developed by a french company.
>   > So Europeans are innovating the JP market?
>   :) At least trying to. But there's natural reasons for this being so (I know
>   you were ironical, but I don't get to talk about what we do so often):
>   - It was natural to go to KDDI as soon as they announced GPS phones. They
>   still are the carrier with the highest percentage of GPS phones as far as I
>   know.
>   - Only VCs could fund this kind of project & I feel that the VC -startup
>   ecosystem is even weaker in Japan than in France, so chances of young game
>   designer getting funds to do something like this...
>   - Even in 2001, Japan felt too mature for a small company to hope make a
>   dent with anything else than something unique.
>   - I thought of this game&company as I was handing flyers at roppongi
>   crossing, watching people walk with their bent on their mobile screens. So
>   it's still partly japanese origin !

[ excessive quoting removed by moderator ]

david [dc] collier

Web & Mobile Contents Business Group

  e   |   dc@wm.namco.co.jp
  v   |  +81(0)90 7414 6107
Received on Thu Apr 8 06:23:07 2004