> Be sure to let me know if you find any - as hinted earlier: AFAIK, you
> can not reach the common image store from java, nor is the 6230 camera
> usable from java (it *SHOULD* be, but it isn't in the current firmware).
> So basically, from a java standpoint, the 6230 camera is useless.
> But I'd love to wrong... / Jonas
reqwireless (the emailviewer company, a java email app), says this :
so after learning from you guys, i ask him if i could expect a new
firmware will come from nokia and change this, he told me :
" At some point, is likely."
i'll wait ...
Benjamin KRIEF * Directeur Technique * IGUANE Studio
Tel: * 5-7-9 passage des Cloys
Fax: * 75018 PARIS
Gsm: * mailto:ben@iguanestudio.com
Received on Wed Apr 7 13:32:51 2004