hi guys,
don't know if it's the right place, but let me ask you this:
does java apps have access to the phone memory , especially the memory
card, or the inboard 8mo of ram ?
it can sounds stupid , but the phone let you send pictures and video
through email, but only via the mms settings.
it seems i can't use my standard smtp settings to send attachments emails.
so i tried this app : http://www.reqwireless.com/emailviewer.html
very nice, but it can't send attachments , and btw , it's not very clear
when you read the specs..
here :
i can read this:
"Applications can access up to 512 KB for heap storage. The amount of
shared memory available to applications is up to 3.5 MB, but will depend
on the number of images and applications loaded on a given device.
Applications with large memory requirements can also use MultiMedia Card
(MMC) storage."
but i also found this in the groups:
"this is because a java app does not have acces
to phone memory."
a bit contradictory ..
so i'm asking myself : is it possible to find a java app who will be able
to send through standard gprs email the pictures i've taken with the
sorry if my pb sound a bit "mainstream" ...
Benjamin KRIEF * Directeur Technique * IGUANE Studio
Tel: * 5-7-9 passage des Cloys
Fax: * 75018 PARIS
Gsm: * mailto:ben@iguanestudio.com
Received on Tue Apr 6 14:19:12 2004