I would like to donate my ichiyen on the mobile video.
let's consider from the cost vs payoff point of view and the mixed
actions of probability, not just black and white.
first, I don't think low resolution is that a problem. at QVGA or
worse, pink photos for mobiles is big business. there is need for
mobile video and there can be many applications.
but video comes at a higher cost than audio in terms of the user
has to be more concentrated, confined to the watching. it's kind
like WLAN vs cellular, laptop vs handheld, or mouse vs keyboard.
video call adds further costs because it requires coordination of
the two parties. it's more expensive than voice call because place
(background) is a concern ... though I'm sure somebody would rather
video-call a girl when she is in the locker room.
video broadcast/streaming isn't for mobiles, either. bandwidth
problems aside, realtime also means synchronization thus more cost.
I'd prefer when I'm on a train, find a seat and take my mobile out,
and then Mt. Fuji bursts out.
don't confuse this with browsing. browsing is user initiated and
user controlled, but watching TV is different. btw, the MBCo just
launched its 1200 watt satellite a week ago. people in Japan and
Korean will be able to watch mobile video (15 frames per second)
in July 2004. let's see how it will be going.
I'm for downloaded video clips. non-realtime or pushing/messaging
gives you freedom and puts you at the control. a technical reason
can be that much less QoS is required to provide quality services.
I expect keitai video only grow modestly. the cost is there while
the need isn't strong. I don't think people will spend much time.
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Received on Mon Mar 22 20:29:49 2004