(keitai-l) Re: Three Motorola A385 Java Problem

From: Thomas Eitzenberger <thomas.eitzenberger_at_siemens.com>
Date: 03/12/04
Message-ID: <405175AD.6080102@siemens.com>
Using the webbrowser to surfe an html site with an embedded object and a 
link to the jad file.

mfg ET

Giovanni Bertani wrote:

>How you do this?
>You type an address?
>Thank You
>Il giorno 11/mar/04, alle 16:49, Thomas Eitzenberger ha scritto:
>>>Is the phone blocked and so you can do this
>>>only by downloading applications OTA from
>>>the Three mobile portal?
>>At least in Austria you can download from any place of the web ( I did
>>it when I had the device for a short time in my hands)
>>mfg ET
>>This mail was sent to address giovanni.bertani@exsense.com
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*Eitzenberger Thomas*
Head COC Mobile Apps
Siemens AG Austria
/ office: +43 51707 63680
mobile: +43 676 6798191
email: thomas.eitzenberger@siemens.com /
Received on Fri Mar 12 10:32:51 2004