> Natsuno-san announced in Cannes at 3GSM that later in 2004, probably
> just before christmas in Q4/04, we will see the N900i in Europe
This is very important. I hope we will see a lot of content providers
developers providing contents and application tailored for those
> Maybe after this event Nokia et al. will develop fully i-mode compliant
> devices.
I think they will oblidged to introduce some advanced phones more in
to those that are available in JP.
Already the GX-30 will accelerate the megapixel phones introduction
the bar for camera phones. Also the display looks very nice.
> At 3GSM in Cannes the CEOs of KPN Mobile and Bouygues Telecom all
> agreed that i-mode has reached the momentum now.
> So if Natsuno-san keeps his promises, i-mode will play a big role
> in 2005 in Europe.
I agree with you. The others operators still have weak strategy not
enought open
to involve the needed content and providers and developers.
> BTW, Arun Sarin, Vodafone's CEO, said that Vodafone Live! has got
> 5 million users in 16 countries now (not counting Japan I believe).
5 million is a good number. But as far as I know they also include
users that have
just sent an MMS. So are numbers difficult to read...
Cheers from Verona
Received on Thu Mar 4 14:29:20 2004