(keitai-l) Secrets of the Wireless Developers Elite

From: <Ukulelekid_at_aol.com>
Date: 02/06/04
Message-ID: <3D6860EA.1E02E98C.0D0E47BB@aol.com>
HI Keital,

I would like to feature you in my column "Secrets of the Wireless Developers Elite"
Below is a link to the series at IBM.


I would like you to dig deep into technical detail to talk about real development secrets and tricks. 
Real examples of applications that you were developing in which you chose one development path 
over another or overcome some technical hurdle would be great. I also need a new sidebar of code. 

Below are the questions to be answered.

I look forward to this...this should be a very good story. Please don’t be afraid to be too verbose. The story should be over 1,500 words.



1) what are the tools you use as a wireless developer

2) how did you get into wireless development and what is your background.

3) what is your secret weapon?

4) what should every wireless developer know

5) what should every wireless developer avoid

6) what are the challenges every wireless developer faces

7) What is your greatest success as a wireless developer

8) What is worst failure?
9) Do you have sidebar code of a wireless app that you've created.

10) Do you have an example of a killer wireless ap and can you explain why
it's so killer?

11) What phones does your application run on. What technologies did you use? Where there challenges in porting, scaling and extending this application?

12) What is the business model behind this mobile application? What problem does it solve in the market?
Received on Fri Feb 6 02:34:30 2004