Paul Lester Wrote:
> Yes for afew years some MFi files can
> contain voice data.
> But DoCoMo has limits on the size of email messages,
> and I do not know if they
> allow you to send Voice data via email.
I thought that there was another format used for
mailing melodies, a non-binary format. Since the
format is non-binary, I am guessing that sending voice
data would not be possible.
Let me know if I am wrong.
As for Michael's comment about Vodafone, as far as I
know we were using standard SMAF format ringtones. The
new V801SA supports chaku-uta, and the format is
standard AAC or Secure MP3.
Nik Frengle
Mobile: +81-80-3416-3090
Received on Wed Jan 21 09:16:10 2004