Hi Petr,
That sounds like a really great idea. Does the iAppli work by sending the
image to the server for processing? (I don't have a keitai in Japan to test
it.) If so, wouldn't that be expensive, in terms of packet charges? Still,
really useful if you just HAVE to know what those damn kanji are and you forgot
your WordTank. Best of luck with it.
--- Petr Vyskocil <petr@anime.cz> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have developped a kanji OCR application for mobiles (and afterwards found
> out it was mentioned on this list already...); and since it reached a stage
> when it is becoming a bit usable (do not expect wonders...), I've decided to
> ask you for a bit of stress-testing ;)
> URL: http://kohaku.anime.cz/docoreco.html
> please DO NOT pass this URL to non-programmers as the server is 1) not yet
> completely stable and 2) not fast enough for public release (just 500MHz
> PIII).
> Short instructions: start the program, press [SELECT] to take a picture of
> japanese text rotated by 90 degrees (i.e. hold the phone by right hand and
> take a picture of a text going from the top of the display to the bottom).
> Look at the result of postprocessing - if it is black text on white
> background that is readable, send it to server using [SELECT], and english
> translation provided by excite web service will be (if you're lucky)
> returned to you. If the result of preprocessing is rubbish, press
> [SOFT_BTN_1] and try again.
> The code works on left-to-right text only for now, do not try it in
> top-to-bottom. Theoretically it can process also hand-written input, but...
> let's say it's not working on my gaijin-style kanjis, but it will work on
> the scribbless done by the natives ^_^.
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Received on Fri Dec 19 02:57:26 2003