- Killing now digital cameras
Just a a short thought. Keitai camera phones will be by the end of next
year at 3-4 megapixels and capable of shooting good quality video.
As quality reach the satisfying level for the average consumer
photographer any higher resolution has less value
By that time the lower end of consumer cameras market will be probably
- Killing tomorrow Mp3 players
By introducing higher storage media MP3 players will be the second
category of consumer electronics killed by Keitas.
As you reach an amount of space capable of satisfying the average
music consumer any higher capacity device has a limited value for
the mass market while remaining interesting for a niche of more
advanced music lovers.
- Killing the day after tomorrow Video Cameras
if you see the new Foma D900i it is in this direction.
So finally are the keitai producers jeopardizing the consumer
electronics market
by replacing a number of devices with a single one?
What do you think?
giovanni bertani mobile vas consultant
exsense italy
Received on Thu Dec 18 00:43:50 2003