Maybe not practical, but both MFi and SMAF support voice,
albeit very very very short samples of voice. ( I know because I made
a tiny ringtone that said "NO" and it was about 1kb (1131 bytes) in the
SMAF Ma2 format which is restricted to 6k or so on JSky phones.
So I guess you could get 6 "NO"'s in.... not much. Maybe more if you tweak.
The newest SMAF phones support something called Humanoid Voice as well
(and some DoCoMo models like the N505i should have an equivalent since
I think they use Humanoid Voice chips). This has all been in the news somewhere.
And no, you are correct, emailing is probably not practical but the well known get around is
to provide a hyperlink to the file via email to a file (see previous post by Gerhard Fasol.).
There are other workarounds as well.
QCELP is something I have no experience with. Thanks for the info. Its just
never been a priority for any of the projects I've had to do.
I'm not sure how to play the PCM and Wavetable files in a browser. Usually I just run
them on the phone if I don't have an emulator. I just set up a handy FTP or SCP window
and keep SCPing . Then I set up a link on the phone (usually from an email) and do the
SCP, click on phone link thing. I use the same file name so I don't need multiple links
and keep overwriting that file. Its very fast, very efficient and if you don't use
keitai headphones, very annoying to those around you.
But anyway PCM and Wavetable files should play the same way as Midi like files
in any emulator, including Doja. They have the same .mld extension... at least on the
models I've worked with.... things are always changing. But I've never tested them with DoJa.
Joseph Bowbeer wrote:
> Isamar asks:
> >For Docomo, Au and Vodafone, which audio formats can I use?
> If you are asking specifically about formats suitable for voice, that would
> rule out MFi and SMAF, which are the only formats supported by Docomo and
> Vodafone, respectively.
> According to the specs, KDDI/au supports QCELP in addition to SMAF. QCELP
> is suitable for voice.
> Of course, the above is disregarding the (im)practicalities of email
> attachments on these devices...
> [ I posted a similar question last week but it never appeared... ]
> The question that I posted last week concerned support for WaveTable and/or
> PCM files in the 505i series. According to some
> models support WaveTable and some support PCM, so I assume you could play
> one of these files in a browser. But does anyone know if the DoJa API
> provides a method to play these formats? (If so, I can't find it.)
> --- original messages ---
> From: "Isamar Maia" <>
> Subject: Sound Files
> Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 21:45:47 +0900
> I'm planning to make a simple application to send voice email to a keitai
> user. It would just consist in an audio file attached to an email... For
> PC, it's very simple and I can use .wav. For Docomo, Au and Vodaphone,
> which kind of audio format I could use?
> Isamar
> ------------------------------
> From: Paul Lester <>
> DoCoMo: use MFi (version 2 or higher)
> Vodaphone: use SMAF (ma2, ma3 or ma5).
> AU: You can usually use SMAF (ma2, ma3 or ma5) but there are other options
> like amc which is also used for video (and other formats for some older
> phones).
> ------------------------------
> From: Gerhard Fasol <>
> You cannot send attachments to DoCoMo phones. You can send a link and users
> can download from the link.
> The image, sound and movie phones for Japanese phones vary by type and
> carrier and you can find the details in the documentation of the phones.
> Essentially all this information is on the internet easy to find.
> ------------------------------
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Paul B. Lester
Chief Engineer
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Received on Thu Dec 11 15:40:20 2003