(keitai-l) Re: [JapanBloggers] Appli Moblogger

From: Mathieu Castelli <mathieu_at_newtgames.com>
Date: 12/10/03
Message-Id: <200312101337.40580.mathieu@newtgames.com>
> Paul Baron wrote:
> >what about AU?
> No access to the camera from AU java as yet - as soon as we can access
> the camera (or the file system) from the java environment we can make
> you a moblog appli.

Actually, and as follow-up on my post here two weeks ago, the Java3 API 
includes camera control. Java3 = W11K, W11H, A5403CA and A5404S.

Mathieu Castelli
Newt Games
Received on Wed Dec 10 14:36:13 2003