(keitai-l) Re: nooper > valueclick

From: Juergen Specht <jspecht_at_valueclick.ne.jp>
Date: 12/09/03
Message-ID: <3FD542A1.4050808@valueclick.ne.jp>
Sam Joseph wrote:
> I think this is interesting - although maybe keitai-l is not the right 
> forum.
> I think Nick is asking a valid question, and Juergen, you seem to be 
> just making jokes out of what is a completely reasonable position.

Sorry, it was not my intend to make jokes about it, but Nick nags
me a long time about the privacy policy in private mails so I am maybe
a bit impatient.

Of course we have a privacy policy, as has ValueClick Japan, its just
not yet online because we moved servers, we change Nooper, etc
etc and things (texts) go through the legal department, which slow
things down. Wait for the next update.

But Nooper or ValueClick has no intend of spamming or using
user's information to any different purpose then the users
signed up for and we take users privacy very, very seriously.

The sentence above will now end up in K-L's archive, so point
me to it when you think we break it. We will not.

Juergen Specht                                  Nooper Division
jspecht{at}valueclick.ne.jp                    ValueClick Japan
Received on Tue Dec 9 05:36:28 2003