(keitai-l) Re: nooper > valueclick

From: Juergen Specht <jspecht_at_valueclick.ne.jp>
Date: 12/09/03
Message-ID: <3FD51278.1040603@valueclick.ne.jp>
nick may wrote:

> I see nooper is now owned by value click Japan...
> http://nooper.co.jp/
> http://www.valueclick.co.jp/
> any background to this story available?

we are too busy to update the web site, but the short version of
a long story goes like this:

First was Nooper. Nooper was good. Other people think so.
They buy it. Now we all have new email addresses.

> Will nooper finally get a privacy policy - or were my worst fears about 
> to be realised?

Yes and no. Nooper gets better and will be changed a lot, but your
worst fears will not come true as long as Tom, I and the original
team work on Nooper.

But what do I know about your worst fears? Bloody red eyes staring
at you in the darkness? A yawning empty wallet containing only a
grinning spider? Your wife asks you to buy her a new Luis Vuitton
handbag? Guess we can not do anything about these fears.


Juergen Specht                                  Nooper Division
jspecht{at}valueclick.ne.jp                    ValueClick Japan
Received on Tue Dec 9 02:10:58 2003