On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 04:15:08AM -0700, Brian Feeney wrote:
> After sending a JIS Character Encoded email from
> Keitai to internet(yahoo) account, I cannot read the
> Japanese characters when using Navigator or Internet
> Explorer Web browsers. There is no problem with
> Shift-JIS emails. JIS does not appear to be available
> on the 'View->Encoding' menu.
> EMoji also cannot be viewed
> Is there a plug-in for PC Web browser or something
> available to allow viewing of JIS Char Set emails
> and/or emails containing Emoji?
There is no such encoding as JIS; I think that must be a misnomer.
JIS is the Japanese standards body that has defined various character
sets. They may be encoded as Shift_JIS, EUC-JP or ISO 2022-JP, all of
which should appear in the browser menus.
(An explanation of the difference between character sets and encodings
can be found at <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr17/>. Needless to
say, in common usage they are not adequately distinguished.)
Ben Hutchings
Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
- Carolyn Scheppner
Received on Wed Oct 22 19:25:50 2003