(keitai-l) Re: DoCoMo's reduced Symbian version on Fujitsu handsets ... op

From: Oliver Wittchow <ow_at_nanoloop.com>
Date: 10/21/03
Message-ID: <3F947C6F.6060104@nanoloop.com>

> Can you confirm, that DoCoMo has trimmed some key data exchange 
> functionality of the Symbian OS version on their 2 Fujitsu FOMA 
> handsets? I especially refer to not allowing to exchange apps 
> over the SD cards ... Because this would prove a key decision
> of maintaing control over content distribution in the mobile 
> meta-competition. Did anyone develop apps for the Symbian-powered 
> Fujitsu devices?

you do not have access to the filesystem and you can't copy or install 
applications. no matter wether this would happen via SD card, OTA or 
whatever, docomo would not allow it.

> So here are some scenarios of how this mobile meta-competition
> of the open vs. closed mobile device (actually becoming a small 
> online computer) may evolve in the (not too distant) future:
> - Nokia first becomes MVNO and/or later buys MNOs. Maybe new
>   players that bring Mobile Broadband to the market, such
>   as German www.airdata.ag that is based on wireless Mobile Broadband 
>   high-tech from www.ipwireless.com.
> - Microsoft develops and sells (almost open) devices and
>   becomes MVNO and/or buys MNOs. As pointed out above, the
>   control over mobile data distribution is the key success
>   factor and Microsoft has got lots of fixed experience through
>   MSN.

microsoft usally do not make hardware and are not expected to do so. the 
scenario would rather be that no-name manufactorers like HTC and 
motorola (well, the latter is not really no-name i guess..) make phones 
which's specifications almost entirely come from MS - just like they 
come from voda or docomo in japan - and profit from the strong software 

> - DoCoMo and Vodafone relax their tight control due to market
>   pressure from Nokia and Microsoft.

as we can see with locked symbian on FOMA, both OS can easily be 
modified to fit with the operator's needs for content control. there is 
not necessarily a competition between operators and OS makers, they can 
be quite happy together.

> I am sure that ultimately the mass market demand represented by 
> smart users will decide the outcome of this mobile meta-competition. 
> People just want to have control THEMSELVES over the mobile online 
> computing devices, like on the PC connected with a fixed flat rate. 

i think users want to have a good experience and interesting, 
entertaining applications. when operators deliver a working 
infrastructure for content development and distribution (standardized 
formats, advanced java APIs, easy and open microbilling systems) like 
they do in japan, i guess microsoft and others would have a hard time to 
introduce an open OS because the "pressure" is almost zero.
in europe however, where this infrastructure is not in place and user 
experience is bad, an open OS seems more attractive because it does not 
require the operator's infrastructure for content distribution and thus 
may finally allow development of interesting content at all.

 > And I believe that in North America and Europe this open attitude is
 > more widely spread in consumers' minds as compared to the Asian region.

as for the "open attitude" i'd say that the japanese system is pretty 
open. well, not on OS level, but in other, maybe more important 
respects such as the billing, etc.
openness is not a western philosophy but the demand for open systems in 
europe and the US is a result of western operators' the weak politics 
(just have a look at german t-mobile's "t-zones" and you know why 
everyone is happy about symbian here).

finally, what is an "open" system? if you can program in c you may 
access the file structure, etc but you still depend on the APIs provided 
with the SDK. you theoretically could control the complete hardware with 
pointers or assembler code, but without documentation that's practically 
within windows mobile for example, there is no function to use the 
camera yet and it's virtually impossible to do so as long as no API is 
provided. so in terms of camera control a japanese phone with the latest 
camera java-API is more open than a windows phone like the SPV.

openness is a relative thing, at least until you have an OS with source 
code and complete hardware documentation.

Received on Tue Oct 21 03:23:42 2003