(keitai-l) Re: DoCoMo's reduced Symbian version on Fujitsu handsets ... open Nokia vision vs. controlled DoCoMo/Vodafone vision

From: Jeffrey L. Funk <funk_at_iir.hit-u.ac.jp>
Date: 10/20/03
Message-Id: <>
>Let's call this mobile meta-competition something like this: The fight
>between the closed MNO-controlled vs. the open PC-like mobile device
>environment ...
It is not just open versus closed; it is also about who controls the key 
interfaces. Nokia wants to control the interfaces just as much as DoCoMo 
and Vodafone do. For example, the initial competition between PC 
manufacturers in the late 1970s was perceived as solely competition between 
various computer platforms, each of whom claimed they offered more software 
than others (open versus closed). the change from 8 bit to 16 bit machines 
in the early 1980s provided IBM with opportunity to provide a new and 
better platform (it was actually a hybrid between 8-bit and 16-bit) 
including better software. but it was two other firms that ended up 
controlling the interfaces. the same thing can happen in the mobile 
Internet as better processors and increased memory offer more client-side 
programming and thus new forms of presenting content. and it may be that 
firms other than nokia and the service providers end up controlling these 
jeff funk 
Received on Mon Oct 20 05:40:04 2003