(keitai-l) J-phone becomes Vodaphone

From: Lawrence Wright <neoman_at_gamesx.com>
Date: 10/15/03
Message-ID: <3F8D2946.23605.2A6A650@localhost>
> although "J" is the first letter of "Japan", it was really for JR, 
> or Japan Railway Telecom.

Interesting, I didn't know this.

While I don't have a problem with the name change it is a rather 
unfortunate swap in a country that has no sound for V.  Vodafone 
sounds "boda-hone" in Japan. it's also a longer name, and that 
they're changing my address from a keitai-friendly @jp-t.ne.jp to a 
decidedly longer @vodaphone.something kind of irks me.  I'd be 
happier if they'd just leave the old addresses alone and give new 
subs the new address.  

Received on Wed Oct 15 05:03:13 2003