On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 03:24, J. David Beutel wrote:
> Nevertheless, the platform you choose will impact more than just coding.
> For example, suppose you can't set any cookies or include over 500 bytes
> in a GET request--that could impact your design. The platform also
> determines what tools are available for testing, maintanence, etc. It's
> important.
Completely agree. My point was that the choice of markup language makes
little practical difference to the overall effort involved in building a
mobile service.
Of course, the perception is completely different, and I believe that's
where cHTML and I-mode has worked. Saying to a potential content
provider that "it's just like building a web site" is persuasive.
Future Platforms Ltd.
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Received on Thu Oct 9 12:29:45 2003