You might find Somik's and my slightly out of date page some help:
Alexander Ongelico wrote:
>Hello all,
>I am quite new to the mobile application development. Recently, our group
>has developed a simple webmail application for use in the imode phones.
>This went relatively well, however, we are planning future developments to
>support j-phone as well as au. The problem is that we seem to be having
>problems when using the HTTP POST method on the j-phone. Basically, we have
>a form to POST, but on the url, we also have a GET parameter. The problem
>is that the GET parameter seems unable to be retrieved. Does anyone have
>any ideas on why this is happening?
>Also, do you guys know of any good reference sites for j-phone application
>development that is in english?
>This mail was sent to address gaijin@yha.att.ne.jp
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Received on Thu Oct 9 07:36:21 2003