(keitai-l) Re: dowloadable ringtone samples for PC?

From: Lawrence Wright <neoman_at_gamesx.com>
Date: 10/09/03
Message-ID: <3F853A22.16920.F0CE6F4@localhost>
My apologies if this reaches anyone twice.  I've rebuilt my email 
server and things are a bit funny.  Since I didn't see this on the 
list in the last 12 hours I assume it didn't go out, hence the 

Taito has several samples of their tunes for download in both .wav 
and .rm formats.  For those who can't read the japanese, here's what 
you'll find:

Purple Box:
16 voice, 6k

Blue Box:
40 voice, 6k

Light Blue Box:
40 voice, 12k

Green Box has two songs, each following this order:
16 voice
40 voice short
40 voice long

I'm not aware offhand of other sites offering samples like this.  
I've been tempted to make my own, but I lack the mic adaptor for my 

Received on Thu Oct 9 04:36:05 2003