> This is probably a very basic question
Not as basic as you'd imagine
> I've had people on J-Phone try, and the phone seems to not know what to
> do
> with the JAD file type (I have the correct MIME type set).
Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but for J-Phone, don't the downloads
have to come from certain registered servers?
> Different problems on AU, but same result - no download.
I got it to download and run on my AU phone just fine thank you very much.
You need to put the .jar and .jad files together via a Kddi provided jar
and get a file with a kjx extention. In addition for my older phone, I
needed to check sum it (crc).
I also added these two lines below for my jar and took out the last one of
yours (something like ts: -3592e1b5a7b2cf24). I don't know if taking that
line out was really necessary but adding these two were.
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-1.0
> without using it, but does this go for J-Phone phones as well?
> Any help or pointers to information greatly appreciated!!
> Bob Wood
> www.languagebug.com
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Received on Sun Oct 5 04:17:44 2003