When I say that the European and North American users are missing out
I base this entirely on what people I know have said. Crappy no-name
clones (Puc Man was mentioned) and entirely unsatisfactory
experiences are all I've heard, and that's not even taking into
consideration the price of the game-capable phones, which by any
measure is exorbitant.
On a recent trip back to Canada I was stunned and dismayed to find a
colour celphone with any kind of capability was ludicrously priced,
and then there's the matter of multi-year contracts. No wonder
everyone's hanging on to their 4-line black and white unit. =)
Of course I realize I'm not saying anything new here... The games
here are fun though, and the screenshots are new to a great many
people. =)
Received on Mon Sep 22 15:05:20 2003