(keitai-l) Re: Creating new DoJa UI Components

From: Jason Pollard <jasonpollard_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 09/18/03
Message-ID: <20030918053825.84925.qmail@web9902.mail.yahoo.com>
> Interesting - although I think that companies like DoCoMo quite like the 
> restrictions of the J2ME, since they want to create a consistent 
> experience for their non-technical customers.
Does anyone have any idea how much control Docomo actually wields when it comes
to iAppli implementations?  It looks like the Components look and act basically
the same, but there are definitely differences among the handsets'
implementations.  Does docomo tell the manufacturers how the Components and
other aspects should look?  Or are they just given the specs and told to gambaru?

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Received on Thu Sep 18 08:37:19 2003