(keitai-l) Creating new DoJa UI Components

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 09/17/03
Message-ID: <3F67CBF6.2030502@yha.att.ne.jp>
Hi All,

I've been working on making a little Gauge display for DoJa, you know 
the kind that tells you how far you are through a download process etc.

Anyway, I was pleased to find that by creating the appropriate package, 
I was able to get a gauge thing working in 505 and 504 emulators:


However when I load it on to my SH505 I get an "alpha
error" message.  I've tried the precise same appli with and without my 
gauge and it seems like it is the presence of my gauge that is causing 
the error.

This seems like a real shame, as being able to create new UI components 
would be extremely convenient, but I guess there's some barrier to it on 
the phone such as a restriction on using the com.nttdocomo.* classes or 
something else.

I was wondering if anyone else had ever tried this sort of thing, 
experienced the same sort of error.

Thanks in advance.

Received on Wed Sep 17 05:49:24 2003