(keitai-l) Re: revenues, i-mode unofficial sites

From: Giorgio Andreoli <giorgio_andreoli_at_libero.it>
Date: 09/15/03
Message-Id: <HL9PXG$EE757C42939E3A22B4E56B3A6D395B3D@libero.it>

> Whoever wrote what you are mentioning here is
> confusing seve=
ral things.
> Data traffic (not revenues) - excluding email
> to no=
n-offical imode sites
> versus data traffic to official menu sites is 54=
> You mention 2001, and according to DoCoMo this ratio
> is the =
same for 2003.
> The packet charge revenue DoCoMo derives from this=0D
> traffic is MUCH less than DoCoMo's total revenues.
> This mail was=
 sent to address giorgio_andreoli@libero.it
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bscribe? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ 

Gerhard, I intended "how=
 much revenues come to Docomo from services operated by official vs. unof=
ficial sites?". I'm just interested to Docomo's revenues.

As far as I =
understand (and for sure I'm confusing things), we have:
 (official) =3D packetRevenues(official) + contentSubscriptionFee(9%)
como_revenues (unofficial) =3D packetRevenues(unofficial)

Excluding SM=
S traffic, I calculated that Docomo's packetRevenues associated to offici=
al sites are more than 60 times Docomo's revenues generated by the 9% con=
tent subscription charge, i.e. the contribution of the latest term is neg=
ligible to Docomo's bottom line. 

So, I don't understand why you state=
 that "The packet charge revenue DoCoMo derives from this traffic is MUCH=
 less than DoCoMo's total revenues."

Received on Mon Sep 15 21:26:03 2003