(keitai-l) Re: NEC e606 was 505i

From: Thomas Eitzenberger <thomas.eitzenberger_at_siemens.com>
Date: 09/10/03
Message-ID: <3F5F104B.3000601@siemens.com>

Gerhard Fasol wrote:
Thomas, I did not check out the NECe606 since I am working in Tokyo, but:
(a)in Japan almost no phones have bluetooth, therefore probably the NECe606
might not have bluetooth It has but does not support Jar appload :o(
(b) in Japan the way to get iappli's/JAVA applet into the phone is via the
radio link. However in order to get this to work you need to observe the
various specifications very accurately as has been discussed on this list
before. Some carriers may restrict downloads into phones unless the applets
actually come from authorized/contract/official sites. I am not sure where
inthe chain verification takes place, but in case this is in the phone
itself, you might have a problem that you can only download from official
sites of your carrier. That restriction exists for security an also for
revenu protection/commercial reasons. (c) I know the Siemens people managing
the Siemens/NEC cooperation here in Japan very well, so if that's
sufficiently important contact me offline and I can get this sorted out for
you, provided these people want to help you. Thanx but I already have a
contact at H3G as they have a walled garden approach for Java this is the
only way :o(
(d) why is Siemens not using Siemens phones ;) It already works with Siemens
Phones and Nokias but now its time for the NEC :o)

Thanx anyway ET
Received on Wed Sep 10 14:49:21 2003