(keitai-l) Re: flash & plazmic

From: Darren Cook <darren_at_dcook.org>
Date: 08/28/03
Message-ID: <3F4D4FFC.60701@dcook.org>
 >>...anyone has been doing any work with the Macromedia Mobile Flash SDK...

I had a look at the SDK when it came out. Based on Flash 4 means no XML 
sockets (and even loadVariables is not available) so most of the interesting 
applications I had in mind were not possible, as you cannot pass data 
between it and the server.

Kyle Barrow wrote:
 > I've been working with Flash on the 505s although mostly investigatory
 > stuff at this stage.

What do you plan to use it for?

Received on Thu Aug 28 03:49:14 2003