I'm don't remember any other ways to loop parts.... and occasionally
the handset may ignore the start and stop points entirely. Each handset
is a little different. My Toshiba doesn't like start and stop points very much.
The MA1 Tool has lots of subsequence stuff built in. Its one of its cool features,
but I never tested it to see if it actually can play them or not. If MA1 implements
it you could make a MA1 sequence use the loops there. Since the chips are more or less
backwards compatible it may work on a MA3 chip.. MA2 is also possible (but often uglier (codewise)
than either MA1 or MA3).
If size is your problem there is something in the public SMAF-MA3 specs about Huffman
compression. You could actually repeat the loops, and compress it afterwards.
I haven't tried it yet so I don't know if it works or not, or how much size it will save you.
Oliver Wittchow wrote:
> I just found that document about "SMAF sound system correspondence"
> which once came with the SMAF spec. It shows which parts of the spec are
> implemented in which MA-version and it says "subsequence list" is not
> available for MA-3.
> I tried to use several start- and stop-points to play loops instead but
> only the last pair is interpreted while others are ignored. Is there any
> other idea how to loop parts? I guess the phrase list is for external
> reference only, by karaoke apps, etc?
> Oliver
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Paul B. Lester
Chief Engineer
EMAIL: paul@thetamusic.com
personal homepage: http://pbl1.tripod.com/
personal EMAIL: pbl1@cornell.edu
Received on Tue Aug 12 05:37:22 2003