(keitai-l) Re: keitai email address length

From: keitai-l <keitai-l_at_typhoon.co.jp>
Date: 08/04/03
Message-ID: <3F2E88E4.5010408@typhoon.co.jp>
Nick May wrote:

> On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 12:35 AM, keitai-l@appelsiini.net wrote:
>>May I suggest using the "variable character" type? :)
> sure,
> but that doesn't help much if...
> 1) the permitted length of the email exceeds 256bytes...

You're right.  I think I chose varchar(64) for the keitai email column.

> 2) we want to  format it nicely for output to a printer....
> 3) we want to use non-variable length fields for the (alleged) speed 
> boost that it gives in mysql... (if the whole table is fixed length 
> fields.)

Unless your table has millions of rows, and that you need to look up 
email addresses with "like" clauses all the time,  I doubt the char vs. 
varchar speed is an issue.

Sorry I don't have an answer to yor original question.


> 4) we want to use a max length value as an additional sanity check on 
> an address
> As I said, nothing much hangs on it, but it is nice to  know. In 
> general I think one should ALWAYS know what the upper size limit of 
> sane input data is, on general principles, regardless of the elasticity 
> of one's storage...
> Nick
> This mail was sent to address keitai-l@typhoon.co.jp
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Received on Mon Aug 4 19:30:58 2003