(keitai-l) Re: SMS vs email?

From: Curt Sampson <cjs_at_cynic.net>
Date: 07/30/03
Message-ID: <Pine.NEB.4.51.0307301331550.467@angelic-vtfw.cvpn.cynic.net>
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Lance Fetters wrote:

> Usage of Cmail disappeared?  I use it instead of Email whenever I can, since
> it saves the receiver money.

I've heard about this several time, but how much does it actually save?

If the message limit is 100 characters, on Docomo you'd be saving the
recipient one third of a yen. Not really worth it to my mind....

Curt Sampson  <cjs_at_cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.NetBSD.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC
Received on Wed Jul 30 07:38:21 2003