(keitai-l) Re: Doja Plugin for eclipse

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 07/29/03
Message-ID: <3F25BEE5.6080605@yha.att.ne.jp>
Hi Colin,

I've had the thing work with DoJa1.0 and DoJa3.0 but you need to do a
fair bit of editing in the ant files. Actually I tend to run the ant
files, that come with the plugin, externally to eclipse as within
eclipse ant takes up heaps of memory.

If I ever have any free time :-) I could package up those ant files and
put them on the website ...


Colin Mack wrote:

>I notice it specifically refers to doja 2.0, but I didn't see any 
>mention of doja 3. Do you know if it works with Doja 3 as well?
Received on Tue Jul 29 03:30:43 2003