(keitai-l) Re: Moblog Appli

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 07/23/03
Message-ID: <3F1E60C8.60600@yha.att.ne.jp>
Stephan Szarafinski wrote:

>As for sending multiple posts to a server and put multiple images in a html
>For that you also need a receiving application on the server.
right - but the point is that this already exists in the xmlrpc api 
that's already present - so no additional scripts need to be added 
beyond your existing blog.

>You can't just send a POST to a webserver and let is store it in a folder.
>For that you need PUT, and PUT is usually disabled for security reasons...
>Correct me if I'm wrong.
No you're not wrong, but we're assuming that the person who wants to 
blog, has a blog setup already.  If they haven't got one, they can't 
blog period.

Now if they have one, it will likely have the xmlrpc blog api supported. 
Assuming they have this the multiple post and reassemble in html with 
work without additional scripts.  this is important because people may 
be using a blog service and not have access to install additional 
scripts on the server.

I'm not saying that adding a script to handle multiple posts and 
re-assemble an image is difficult, I'm just saying it will exclude some 
potential users.  

Everything I say should make sense if you assume that a person already 
has xmlrpc blog scripts on the blog they want to post to.

Received on Wed Jul 23 13:56:03 2003