Hi all,
So I have happily been obfuscating 503 applis for some time, using the
RetroGuard software. I was just trying the same trick on the 505, i.e.
the Doja3.0, but for some reason I get no obfuscated jar - no error
message, no nothing.
For your information, my general approach has been to create the
unobfuscated jar and then set RetroGuard on that, and then expand the
obfuscated jar for preverification. Now its possible that I have to
obfuscate the classes one by one in DoJa3.0, but so far I have tried all
possible combinations of the DoJa3.0 libraries in the classpath, and the
result is always the same - no obfuscated jar is produced.
Here's the classpath:
here's the command:
/D/j2sdk1.4.0_01/bin/java -verbose RetroGuard MatrixSS-pre-obs.jar
MatrixSS-obs.jar MatrixSS.rgs MatrixSS_rgs.log
and here's the end of the java output:
[Loaded a.a.a.a.ag]
[Loaded com.nttdocomo.ui.IApplication]
[Loaded com.nttdocomo.ui.MApplication]
[Loaded java.lang.NumberFormatException from
[Loaded com.nttdocomo.lang.IllegalStateException]
[Loaded com.nttdocomo.ui.Display]
[Loaded com.nttdocomo.ui.Frame]
[Loaded com.nttdocomo.ui.Dialog]
[Loaded java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError from d:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\jre\lib\rt.jar]
[Loaded com.nttdocomo.ui.Launcher]
[Loaded java.util.HashMap$KeySet from d:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\jre\lib\rt.jar]
[Loaded java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator from d:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\jre\lib\rt.jar]
I wondered if anyone else had encountered, or indeed, solved this problem.
Received on Wed Jul 23 12:38:29 2003