(keitai-l) Re: [JapanBloggers] Moblog Appli

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 07/22/03
Message-ID: <3F1CBC8C.6060300@yha.att.ne.jp>
Hi All,

So thanks to Reto I've worked out how to post smaller images from the 
phone.  Kind of a trick, but at least it works.

I was just talking to people on #joiito and they were saying my cunning 
plan for splitting larger images into bits and then reassembling in html 
would probably fail because the chunks wouldn't all work as complete 
images, only the first chunk as that has the jpeg header.

I mean I guess I could add jpeg headers to each chunk, but it's getting 
a little ridiculous.  I guess I'll just have to be happy with the 10240 
byte limit for the present.

And looking at the xmlrpc spec it seems like there is no support for 
sending anything other than base64 in one big chunk:



Sam Joseph wrote:

>Hi All,
>Right so I finally got my moblog appli to work - I can now post blog 
>articles including photos from my Sharp 505.  There is one setback at 
>the moment, which is that the 505 is limited to 10240bytes in its POSTs, 
>and the resolution on the phone camera is so high, that the base64 
>encoding of the photo can't fit in the POST.
>see http://www.neurogrid.net/sam/
>With the XML POST I have 7970 bytes spare for the photo, which on my 
>505, often seems to exceed that limit.
>So what I'm hoping you bloggers and keitai-erscan help me with is some 
>cunning way to get round this. I've tried telling the camera to produce 
>a smaller image, or one of lower quality to reduce the size, but have 
>been roundly ignored, i.e. I tried this:
>        camera.setImageSize(width-100, height-100);
>        camera.setAttribute(Camera.DEV_QUALITY, Camera.ATTR_QUALITY_LOW );
>but the images coming back from the camera are just the same size.
>I've tried writing to the output buffer in chunks during posting, but 
>there seems to be a strict 10240 byte limit on the outgoing post.  
>I can't see any easy way to compress the photo or spread it over two 
>posts .... hmm that makes me think I could send the image in parts and 
>then reassemble using cunning html hmm ....
>Well, there are other options such as sending the image binary instead 
>of base 64 - but that's probably out given we have to transfer over HTTP 
>- I mean I could have some script on the server that would take incoming 
>byte streams, but the doja HTTP POST might not like it - or even I could 
>switch to something more compact like base128 ....?
>Anyway, I'd very much appreciate any ideas on this matter.
>I'm planning to release both moblog appli and code as soon as I can make 
>the user experience something less than "intensely annoying".
Received on Tue Jul 22 07:30:20 2003