(keitai-l) Re: KDDI, BREW and CP

From: Mathieu Castelli <mathieu_at_newtgames.com>
Date: 07/21/03
Message-Id: <200307211016.55806.mathieu@newtgames.com>
> au/KDDI said again at Wireless Japan that they will go with BREW only
> http://www.zdnet.co.jp/mobile/0307/18/n_kddi.html (in Japanese)

It seems I was right then...
Oh misery !  :)

Newt Games is now oficially looking for an intern to port the application to 
BREW. The internship will involve 2 months in Paris (lodging and transports 
fully paid) then 2-4 months in Japan and/or China. The intern will be offered 
a position if the internship is satisfactory.

Anybody has a little sibling that could be interested ?

This QUALCOMM thing...
We based our content on precise positionning, so on the one hand, the push of 
GPS from Q. is much appreciated but on the other hand, this BREW thing is a 
hard blow.

As I had asked in my previous mail: do the experienced CP providers on this 
list think that there's any chance that KDDI could include a VM on top of 
BREW were some strong CP to join and ask for it ?

Received on Mon Jul 21 11:20:29 2003