On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Reto Grob wrote:
> bad points:
> - I do not believe so much in biometric security.
> The fingerprint works but sometimes you need to press a few times
> on it. It is more like a game. Entering a pin is much faster.
Hmm. Well, I guess it's a good thing that I don't find the fingerprint
technology so interesting as to be a real selling point. (Based on what
I know now, I'd buy this phone without a fingerprint thingie before I'd
buy another with one.) It's kind of too bad, though, because I thought
it might be more convenient than entering a PIN, and I'd start using
security on my phone.
> - The fonts on the screen are kind of anti-aliased at runtime. This
> slows down the rendering a lot. If you read a mail, you can see how
> the mail is gradually being drawn on the screen.
Ouch! That sounds annoying. Is it the same with the web? I really,
really hated how slow the browser rendered stuff on my old Fujitsu. If
the new one is the same, I may be better off with the SH. I guess I have
to get hold of a broweser-enabled one somehow to find out....
> - In i-Appli the fonts are not anti-aliased, so sometimes they look
> a bit ugly. In Xevious you have no fonts tough but bitmap fonts ;-)
Hey, I would be upset if the Xevious fonts were anti-aliased! I want it
too look like the original!
But thanks for pointing this stuff out. If anybody else has anything bad
to say about the Fujitsu, I'd really appreciate hearing it, as it will
help me know what to look for when trying one out.
Curt Sampson <cjs_at_cynic.net> +81 90 7737 2974 http://www.netbsd.org
Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light. --XTC
Received on Fri Jul 11 07:36:58 2003