(keitai-l) Re: Digital Shoplifting

From: Eric Hildum <EricHildum_at_earthlink.net>
Date: 07/03/03
Message-Id: <83884094-AD88-11D7-9A93-000393850E56@earthlink.net>
This is old school - just a new technology to do the dirty work. When I 
worked at National Semiconductor, we had a couple of cases where 
visitors had brought in cameras and photographed the layout diagrams 
and micrographs of memory components and other ICs that engineers had 
posted on the walls.

A potentially more serious issue is the flash USB drive - it is amazing 
how much you can copy in a quick, unescorted trip to the "bathroom."

On Thursday, July 3, 2003, at 10:04  AM, Mayall, Steve wrote:

> i phoned a number of big car and defence companies and they all seemed 
> surp=
> rised but intrigued by the prospect of camera phones being used for 
> espiona=
> ge and confirmed they would have to ban them
Received on Thu Jul 3 22:04:10 2003