> until recently I had an i-mode phone and was using WWWJDIC happily.
> Very useful.
> Now I am on J-Phone and it no longer works. Granted, on the site it
> says "DoCoMo EJ", not just keitai. Still I thought it is a normal web
> form so it should work, but no go.
> Anyway, is anyone able to use this on non-docomo phones? Anyone knows
> of alternative dictionaries?
How about Enfour's Tangotown?
Works for i-mode, J-Phone and EZweb. But it's a pay service
(300yen/month if I am not mistaken) but worth every penny, I mean yen.
Remember the old Japanese saying:
Buying a cheap Keitai always comes with a price ;)
Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing: http://nooper.co.jp
Check Nooper, your little intelligent email buddy: http://nooper.com
Received on Thu Jun 26 04:21:42 2003