(keitai-l) Reminder: NinJava Tonight -- MultiTasking Keitai Applications

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 06/26/03
Message-ID: <3EFA346E.1090103@yha.att.ne.jp>
********** N I N J A V A * M E E T I N G ***************

This month's NinJava meeting will take place *TONIGHT*, Thursday 26th 
June, in the usual location of the 5th floor NetYear offices of Cerulean 
Tower, Shibuya. The main talk will start at 7pm. A map can be found at:


The meeting's agenda is as follows:

6:30pm - 7:00pm Networking (Refreshments provided by Vanten Open Source 
Solutions http://www.vanten.com)

7:00pm - 7:45pm "JRAP - A Framework for building multi-tasking networked 
applications on NTT DoCoMo, J-Phone and KDDI Java enabled handsets" Main 
talk by Andrew Sandes of AsiaEntry and Gravana

7:45pm - 8:15pm Discussion

8:15pm - 9.00pm J2EE Pattern Workshop - Sam Joseph shows us how the 
Composite pattern is related to Java Beans

The talk abstracts and speaker biographies are as follows:

Main Talk Title: JRAP - A Framework for building multi-tasking networked 
applications on NTT DoCoMo, J-Phone and KDDI Java enabled handsets

Main Talk Abstract:Bullant JRAP is a distributed GUI framework that 
consists of the family of Bullant remote thin-clients coupled to an 
application built in Java running on a networked J2SE or J2EE server.

JRAP enables applications to be built, deployed and managed on networked 
servers whilst delivering an advanced GUI to the end user's networked 
Microsoft Windows, Palm OS, Microsoft Pocket PC, or Java J2ME MIDP 
client device equipped with a Bullant Remote thin-client. There are 
Bullant Remotes for all of the three major Japanese mobile carriers (NTT 
DoCoMo, J-Phone, and KDDI) allowing simple server based development and 
deployment of applications.

The Bullant Remote is an 'application browser'. Using the Bullant 
Remote, end-users can connect to and surf applications just like users 
of a web-browser can connect to and surf web-pages. Just like a web 
browser, an application is identified by a URL and, just like a web 
browser, giving the Bullant Remote a different URL will cause an 
entirely different application to be displayed. In the case of web-pages 
and JRAP applications, the content resides on networked server - an 
innovation that has dramatically reduced the cost of provisioning 
applications to large, disparate and geographically diverse user base.

Bullant's model of 'application-browsing' enables the creation of a new 
breed of rich server-based applications that provide all of the benefits 
of the traditional 'fat' two-tier client-server model with the benefits 
of manageability, scalability and accessibility usually associated with 
the 'thin' three-tier model. GUIs indistinguishable from a native 
fat-client application can be created and deployed on a networked server 
without the need to download any code to the device.
Main Talk Speaker Biography: Andrew Sandes has been working with Bullant 
software in a sales and marketing role for the past three years. As 
Bullant's local representative in the Japan market, his role is to 
advise on local market drivers, technology trends, and product 
adjustments for the Japan market. His focus in the last six months has 
been the release of Bullant's JRAP suite of products incorporating Java 
thin clients for all three mobile carriers in Japan.

Company Biography

Gravana is based in North Sydney, NSW, Australia and develops and sells 
the Bullant software product suite. The Bullant product suite offers 
solutions for organizations who are looking towards wireless and 
Internet applications as a source of revenue or as a way of streamlining 
their operations. J2EE Pattern Workshop: Composite Pattern and Java Beans

Workshop Abstract:

JavaBeans are one of Sun's component models and their first 
specification appeared in December 1996. In J2EE the JavaBeans concept 
has been extended to that of the "Enterprise JavaBean". The Enterprise 
JavaBean (EJB) incorporates many features beyond the humble bean, such 
as persistence and session handling. This workshop will not look at EJBs 
as such, but will focus on basic JavaBeans, their use in JSP pages, and 
the Composite Pattern described in Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable 
Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley, 1995). While the Composite 
pattern is used in a number of places within the J2EE framework, this 
workshop will consider to what extent the basic concept of a JavaBean 
meets the requirements of the Composite 
Speaker Biography:

Sam Joseph holds a Doctorate degree in Neural Networks from Edinburgh 
University. He first came to Tokyo in 1998 on a Toshiba Fellowship to 
work on Java Software Agents. In February 2000 he moved to 
ValueCommerce, and after the standard internet startup roller coaster, 
became an independent consultant. He started the NeuroGrid project (an 
open source P2P blogging plugin), which he continues to work at, and 
more recently he has been working on mobile Java applications for 
various companies, as well as research projects at Tokyo University.
Received on Thu Jun 26 02:51:01 2003