(keitai-l) Mobile click stream analysis

From: Philip Sidel <psidel_at_iuj.ac.jp>
Date: 06/25/03
Message-Id: <>
Another question that I need all of your help in answering.

I am trying to better understand usage patterns of the Mobile Internet, 
both here in Japan and around the world.  I've got a couple of studies 
currently going on, but one area that I've yet been able to tap into is 
understanding or following the click stream of a small segment of mobile users.

As I understand it (or as it's been explained to me by a few mobile 
technology experts), it's "very difficult" to write a piece of software 
that will gather and track all websites that have been visited by an 
individual user.  I'm looking to create a piece of software (or take 
advantage of an existing technology) that will allow this information to be 
gathered without the user needing to key in every website that they 
visit.  Is it possible to create "invisible" tracking software like this 
for a reasonable price?  (remember I'm in academia, so my idea of 
reasonable may be what most of you consider dirt cheap)

My goal is to have 100 people on a paid panel who download this piece of 
software onto their phones for a year, and have their surfing/usage 
patterns tracked and analyzed "behind the scenes" so that our observations 
of their mobile behaviors don't significantly change the way that they use 
their keitai (understanding of course that they'll all have agreed in 
advance to participate in such a study...so such a bias won't be completely 
removed).... Any and all thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Received on Wed Jun 25 09:11:51 2003