> Can anyone provide instructions on how to get music onto the=20
> SD card and get it to play on the J-SH53 phone?
Yes, but not in a manner that will retain your sanity.
> I am at the point where I think I have to buy the SD-Jukebox=20
> which isn=1B$B!G=1B(B t included with the phone in order to get=20
> music that will play onto the SD card=1B$B!D=1B(B is this a=20
> correct assumption?
Yes. I have a spare unregistered copy, but it only works with specific
SD card adapters. It's cheaper to buy the IOData adapter with the
software bundled.
>If that is so, is there an English=20
> version of SD-Jukebox?
Yes, but it doesn't work very well, if at all.
> There was nothing included with the=20
> phone, should there have been?
> Or perhaps is that software=20
> included with the optional music control wand for the phone?
No. The wand is quite nice, though, since it fires up the player without
having to navigate the menus, and is also a cool way of answering the
> If anyone can help me, that=1B$B!G=1B(Bd be wicked, I=1B$B!G=1B(Bm=20
> two weeks into my purchase and I=1B$B!G=1B(Bm very frustrated.
I tend not to communicate with people who say "wicked", unless they also
understand the concept of "buying beer". I can sort you out if you're in
Received on Tue Jun 24 18:21:21 2003