>Is anyone really using secure mp3 now?
I am that person. The only software, as far as I know, that can do it is
a pile of junk made by Panasonic. The cheapest way to get it is by
purchasing IOData's SD adapter. Yes, the software is adapter-sensitive,
too, so uploads to a 1GB card take place at USB 1.1 speeds rather than
at internal CF cardbus speeds. Not that that matters, given the
encryption speed of the software. It's actually faster to play the music
in real time down the optical link to the phone. It's also bound to
RealPlayer. Truly one of those Monty Python "Run Away!" applications.
Bring on the Holy Hand Grenade.
Speaking of which, I note on the SH53 that "close phone to hang up" is
only halfway there: if I hang up first, it's OK. If the other side
hangs up before I get the handset closed, I stay connected. You'd
imagine people would test these products, but then I'm old-fashioned. At
least the English menus haven't been written by Yoda (but I guess he was
busy writing Toshiba's stuff).
Received on Mon Jun 23 16:43:18 2003