(keitai-l) Re: Ntt DoCoMo i-mode enters the italian market with Wind

From: Ken Chang <carigate_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 06/22/03
Message-ID: <20030622044056.4389.qmail@web13103.mail.yahoo.com>
yes Giovanni, you said what I wanted to but couldn't say. 

as of Japanese content providers, I think they will be happy with 
small profit with small operators, and they are quite familiar with 
the WAP/OMA technology.  remember au/KDDI and J-Phone are both using 
WAP and more standard Java MIDP in Japan. 

since some Japanese content companies already have presence in Europe 
doing i-mode, it won't be difficult at all for them to also provide 
standard WAP service. 

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Received on Sun Jun 22 07:44:51 2003