(keitai-l) Re: uploading megapixel pictures

From: J. David Beutel <jdb_at_getsu.com>
Date: 06/17/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0306171843530.15914-100000@tokimi.getsu.com>
Hi Michael,

Thanks for responding.

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Michael Sydenham wrote:

> I guess you must have a special reason for not wanting to use the card, 
> since DoCoMo have publically stated the (obvious) reason for permitting card 
> transfers is that most people don't want to use the network to push around 
> large image files.

I'm thinking of using it for mobile blogging.  I haven't checked the 
network price yet.
> Java access might be possible since I understand it is possible to access 
> camera data in 504iS. Does anyone know about 505 case?

Are the i-appli DX specs available from Docomo yet?  The only info I could 
find was fluffy.
> >somehow, even though Docomo is discouraging it (because of their sorry 9K
> >baud upload rate, I assume).
> I'm pretty sure it is 28.8k in the 505 case.

It's 28.8k receiving, but still only 9.6k sending.

Received on Tue Jun 17 12:17:59 2003