On Tuesday, Jun 17, 2003, at 14:07 Asia/Tokyo, Kyle Barrow wrote:
> I'm trying to compile a list of url shortcut keys available from the
> i-mode phones keypad. My phone has:
> http://
> https://
> .html
> .co.jp
> .ac.jp
> .ne.jp
> www.
> .com
I also have "@docomo.ne.jp". BTW, does anyone know why on my phone
(N540is), whenever I enter an URL I get the message "Page could not be
displayed" immediatly, then the page is loaded and shown?
Julien Quint, Visiting Researcher, National Institute of Informatics
Hitotsubash 2-1-2-1312, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan
Tel +81 (0)3-4212-2596 Fax +81 (0)3-3556-1916 E-mail quint@nii.ac.jp
Received on Tue Jun 17 10:20:32 2003