Hi Jason,
> What exactly are you trying to do?
It's quite simple really - my application has created a thread. Some time
later, this thread needs to update the user interface eg. to change the text
on a label. Now, as far as I know the nttdocomo.ui library is not thread
ie. it is only safe to call Label.setText from the event handling thread. So
I somehow need to execute the necessary code on the ui thread.
If I were using C/Win32 I'd use PostMessage(...)
If I were using Java/Swing I'd use SwingUtilities.invokeLater(...)
If I were using Java/Midp I'd use Display.callSerially(...)
I can find anything like this in the com.nttdocomo.ui library.
> Can you give a pseudo-code example?
Of course.. this is not my real application but here's a similar example:
Imagine you had a ui with a button and a label. When the user clicks the
button, a stock quote is downloaded from an HTTP server and displayed on
the label.
Now, the HTTP download is blocking and I do not want to block the main event
handling thread while the download is occurring eg. I may want a cancel
button to be available during the download attempt. Therefore, I must create
a second thread to handle the HTTP download. When the download succeeds, I
need to update the label from the event handling thread to be thread safe.
So, in pseudo code:
// Event handling thread:
method handleEvent(event, arg)
if (event == buttonClick)
// create new thread to download quote
new Thread(downloadQuote)
else if (event == dataReceived)
// display the new quote
// Network thread:
method downloadQuote
quote = downloadData() // <- long blocking operation
// somehow notify event handling thread since I cannot safely update
// the ui from this thread
sendMessage(handleEvent, dataReceived, quote) // *** <- how to do this??
I hope this makes some sense to you. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thanks, Trent.
Trent Hill
Software Engineer
Gravana Pty Ltd (trading as Bullant Software)
Received on Fri Jun 13 07:31:34 2003