(keitai-l) Re: Faster adoption of 3 W-CDMA in Italy than DoCoMo FOMA in Japan

From: Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani_at_exsense.com>
Date: 06/10/03
Message-Id: <A16190EA-9B32-11D7-893A-003065BA6D3A@exsense.com>
> .
>> PS: KDDI has been more successful than FOMA with cdma2000 x1
>> but is this full 3G technology?
> In the end, who cares? 3G was supposed to provide faster data (which
> you get with CDMA 2000x1) new facilities (which it turns out nobody is
> really using anyway), and lower costs for the operator. On this last
> point, where KDDI loses on the call-minutes being more expensive, it
> gains on not having spent a huge capital investment on an entirely new
> network.

Hi Curt

I like very much KDDI move. This is something similar to what could have
been done with EDGE in Europe. I think the big 3G push in EU has been
done from network equipment manufacturers that needed some excuse
to sell new equipment. EDGE is only another upgrade to the GSM network.
Most of the network and handset manufacturers and operators  have not
been investing a lot over EDGE has it was not seen as something with
interesting returns...

With EDGE you are probably able to provide 90% of the services  expected
from the public from W-CDMA.

In JP the operator as full control of the equipment development and KDDI
was smart not in investing too soon in a green technology like 3G.



giovanni bertani   mobile vas consultant (giovanni.bertani@exsense.com)
exsense verona italy 
Received on Tue Jun 10 14:03:04 2003