(keitai-l) Re: SO505i

From: dc <dc_at_gamelet.com>
Date: 06/05/03
for the UI, the sony team just doubled the pixels on everything, including
big chunky bitmappy fonts, rather than designing a new hi-res UI. Their UI
hasn't changed basically since the 503.

The sharp is definitely the best looking and makes the most use of the high
res. It comes bundled with a couple of apps that make use of their 3d
overlay, including a bass fishing game where you can catch fish in real
holographic 3d animations! Quite a novel effect...

david [dc] collier
  e   |   dc@gamelet.com
       >  www.gamelet.com
  v   |    +81 (0)90 5343 4586

//  -----Original Message-----
//  From: keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net [mailto:keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.
//  net]On Behalf Of Ken Chang
//  Sent: 2003$BG/(B6$B7n(B5$BF|(B 3:18
//  To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
//  Subject: (keitai-l) Re: SO505i
//  the SH505i text display is really ugly.  cannot understand why it has
//  to be.  also, many users reported today that SO505i freezes when you
//  refer to my-data while composing a message.
//  some photos taken by SO505i, and compared against D505i and J-SH53
//  http://www.digitalcamera.jp/camera-ktai/html/model/SO505i-photo/
//  http://k.vitalbit.com/k-a_3dkreport_2f20030604-01.html
//  SO505i camera is clearly the best.  J-SH53 looks better than D505i.
//  cheers,
//  Ken
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Received on Thu Jun 5 03:58:23 2003